About Us

Transformation and Empowerment through Education

Every individual has the potential to create change, whether in their life, their community, or the world.

By opening the classroom through online learning, eLeaeningHub empowers millions of learners to unlock their potential and become changemakers.

Our members and customers are professionals who help others achieve their full potential by improving their knowledge, skills, and abilities.


Our mission

There are three commitments we've made to the world. These have grounded us since day one:

  • Increase access to high-quality education for everyone, everywhere

  • Enhance teaching and learning on campus and online

  • Advance teaching and learning through research




From experiment to the global movement

While the internet was enabling innovation at scale across a vast array of industries, higher education was reaching only a tiny fraction of the world’s curious minds.

Dr. Keivan Moghtaderizadeh and his colleagues depicted a long-shot experiment: a platform that would offer their courses online, open to any person up to the challenge.